Looking for a good way to get in shape? Talk to your swimming pool maintenance and installation company in Brigantine about the advantages of a backyard pool. Swimming is the fourth most popular sport in America, and it’s easy to see why. Swimmers stand to reap benefits aplenty while doing what they love — swimming! Let’s view some of the health perks swimming has to offer.

Whole-Body Workout

Swimming provides a good workout for the whole body. Experts say that just 75 minutes of vigorous activity such as swimming can keep the entire body healthier. Not only does it develop strength and endurance, but it also tones muscles and increases the heart without placing a lot of stress on the body. Water naturally provides gentle resistance, allowing for the use of most muscle groups without the impact of aerobic activity.

Reduction in Death Risk

The heart and lungs — your cardiovascular system — benefit from a swimming workout. It helps make your cardiovascular system stronger and can even reduce your risk of death by about half when compared to inactive people, researchers say. Other research suggests that regular swimming can help control blood sugar and lower blood pressure.

No or Low-Impact

Swimming is a no to low-impact physical activity. For this reason, it can be a viable exercise option for people who are nursing injuries or who have disabilities or conditions such as arthritis. Swimming can also be a suitable option for people who are morbidly obese and unable to partake in more strenuous exercises.

Calorie-Burning Exercise

Swimming can help the body burn calories, which is necessary for weight loss or weight management. Those who weigh an average of 160 pounds can burn just north of 400 calories an hour with low to moderate paced swimming. Those who weight an average of 200 pounds can burn nearly 900 calories in the same length of time.

Sleep and Mood Improvement

Studies show that swimming promotes healthy sleep and reduces the incidence of insomnia by up to 50 percent in some subjects. Aquatic workouts were shown to boost the mood of people undergoing a 12-week study.

As you can see, there are wonderful health benefits for those who swim regularly. Reach out to your pool service company in Wildwood, Island Pools & Patios, to find out how easy it is to install a pool in your backyard.